Why we travel with 4 kids under 4


Taking young twins on a weeklong vacation is hard enough, but throw in a second set of twins and multiple months of travel and people think we’ve lost our minds. Maybe we did, but it’s important for us to expose our children to different cultures, different experiences and different adventures. Moreover, we want to prove that you can still have young kids and get out and go and hopefully inspire other families to do the same along the way.

WHY: We have always enjoyed traveling and we made a decision when we had our first set of twins that this wouldn’t stop. We also think that our children learn best when they are traveling — meeting new people from all over the world, figuring out things on the fly, trying new foods, new climates, new modes of transportation and immersing them with people that talk different, look different and have different customs. We also love to see the world through our childrens eyes. We believe that there is no time like the present and if we don’t do it now, when will we?

HOW: Our business allows us to travel; we own a sourcing and manufacturing firm, called Timroon, that helps USA companies make products in Vietnam and other parts of Asia. Because most of our business takes place overseas, we are able to travel and move around with our family. We are also launching our own brand this fall called Rafi Nova, which is dedicated to all things motherhood. Our first product is a backpack “mom bag” that incorporates bright, colorful textile from women around the world. For every bag sold, we donate a portion of proceeds to the women who help make our bags.

WHERE: We plan to have a home base in Saigon, Vietnam and travel around from there. We are last minute planners but some places we have on our list include: Northern Vietnam, Mekong Delta, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bali and Israel.

We’ll be posting daily stories and posts on Instagram and we hope you’ll follow along on our crazy journey as we take 4 kids under 4 around the world for 6 months!