Summer Activity Ideas to Do With Your Kids
As moms, we spend all winter dreaming about those blissful summer months. From simple things like getting the kids out of the house without having to bundle them up from head to toe, to the not so simple things like packing up what seems like the entire house to spend just a few hours at the beach. After all, two bottles of sunscreen, 17 shovels and three coolers packed full of food and water should last at least 2 hours- right?
We fantasize about putting our kids down for long afternoon naps while we read a good book in the hammock, and can’t wait for those endless neighborhood barbecues that start at noon and don’t end until way past everyone’s bedtime. Then suddenly it’s June, the last day of school is upon us and we realize in a panic that we haven’t done nearly enough planning to keep our kids entertained for the long days ahead. And don’t even get us started on those dreaded rainy days (or weeks!) when it seems like the sun will never shine again.
Well, fellow moms: worry not. We’ve compiled a list of fun and engaging summer activities for your family to do in your own backyard, kitchen, or town center. Hopefully they will get your kiddos to burn some energy, make some memories, and wish the summer would last forever- or maybe just until that magical first day back to school.
Camping in your own backyard
Camping is awesome- until you think of all the things you have to bring with you and the long car ride to get where you’re going. If you’re not feeling quite up for the real thing, use your own backyard as a special camping ground! Gather up your tents, s’mores ingredients and some good books and spend the night stargazing from the comfort of your own home. Take turns telling “spooky” stories, The best part of this activity is that when nature calls, the comfort of your own bathroom is just steps away.
Arts and crafts- paint rocks, make a nature collage, or create wildflower leis
If you’re anything like us, you have found yourself spending too long setting up a craft for your kids, watching them enjoy it for 3 minutes, and then hearing those dreaded two words: “All done!”. There are a few crafts where the kids get to do the prep work and the craft, such as painting rocks, creating leis with wildflowers or putting together a collage from items they find outside. Take a long nature walk around your neighborhood with some buckets and have the kids collect the coolest, biggest, or most interesting rocks, wildflowers, and other interesting items they can find. Once home, wash off the rocks and set up an area (inside or outside) where the kids can paint the rocks (acrylic is the best for this type of activity) and decorate them before arranging them on the front porch for all your visitors to see. With the wildflowers they find, they can create a necklace or bracelet by using the stems to tie knots and connect them all together. They can make one for themselves or a bunch for friends and neighbors. All of the other items they gathered on their walk can be glued to paper or poster board for a beautiful collage!
Check out your Town
Summer is a great time to be a tourist in your own town. Whether you just moved to a new neighborhood or have lived in the same one your whole life, exploring your town or city with your kids lets you see the area in a whole new way. Local libraries often have special kid friendly events like preschool reading time, movie nights, or arts and crafts sessions. Check out your closest farmer’s markets to pick up some fresh vegetables or delicious homemade pies. Or, head to your local u-pick farm where the kids can pick delicious berries by themselves to help make your own pie at home. Catch a local town concert for a fun weeknight activity, and bring a dinner to have a picnic while watching your kids dance to the music. Many cities also have free entry Fridays at various museums, and always check your library before heading to a zoo or museum- they often have discounted passes!
Early morning or late night family bike ride
Bike rides are a great way to get moving, burn all that energy, and have family time all in one. Grab a bike or scooter, throw on a helmet and ride around your neighborhood. You never know who you may see or even meet right around the corner. The morning and night are a great time to head out, as they are the coolest times of day and you don’t have to worry as much about sunburns or complaining about the heat! If you’re going in the morning, take a ride to the closest playground- but stop first for a coffee- you’ll need it! If you choose to take a post-dinner ride, get the kids in their pajamas first so they can hop right into bed when you get home.
Dig for treasures
Who doesn’t love a good game of hide and seek? In this version, however, you don’t have to spend 20 minutes hiding alone in your dark laundry room while the kids count in the other room! Instead, take an old shoe box and fill it with things in your house that your kids could use as treasures- think old costume jewelry from Forever 21 that you haven’t worn in years, or extra coins laying around in your drawers. Hide the box somewhere in your house and have the kids search until they find it. The winner gets to empty the box and fill it with their own “treasures”. For more of an adventure, this activity can also be done outside by burying it somewhere in your yard.
Get messy
If it’s bath night, try having an extra messy afternoon. Make sure no one is wearing their nice clothes and get outside for some fun! Get out the suds and hose, and some toy cars or trucks. You can wash your car with help from the kids, and if you have little ones they can wash their toy cars and trucks right next to you. Another fun and simple activity is drawing with chalk or ice! If you choose chalk, as soon as they’re finished you can let them pour water on it and watch as their drawing changes and spreads. They can draw on top of their original drawing and keep adding water to see how many different designs they can make. Should you choose ice, fill up your ice tray with a mix of water, a little flour, and a few drops of food coloring. After letting them freeze for 20 minutes, put Popsicle sticks in each cube and wait for them to be frozen (a few hours). Then, get out the paper and let their imaginations go to work!
Learn about a different cultures and make a meal to match
This one is a fun and educational activity to do with your kids. Head to the library and check out a map together and choose a country of interest. Then get some books to read and learn about that culture. Next, head to the grocery store to get ingredients for a popular meal in that country and when you get home, cook together, have the kids set the table, and play some music popular in that country while you’re setting up. If you really want to get creative, try wearing clothing indigenous to the region as well!
Ice cream bucket list
Create a bucket list of all the ice cream shops you’ve always wanted to try, as well as the tried and true places you keep coming back to year after year. Spend the summer working your way through and see how many you’ve gone to by the time summer’s over!
Write a family cookbook together with all your favorite recipes
Collect all your family members’ favorite recipes and put together your own family cookbook! Have the kids decorate the pages and help cook as much as they can.
We hope you enjoy trying out some of these fun activities with your kids over the summer. But remember, whether you’re driving out for a beach day, taking the kids to their first drive-in movie experience, or simply having a lazy day at home, summertime is short and sweet so try to make the best of it throughout the chaos!